An Evening With The Carsons


Recently I was lucky enough to enjoy my first Home Concert. If you’ve never had the privilege, let me enlighten you. The way it was first described to me was pretty apt. “It’s just like a regular concert, only smaller,” Jason Carson quipped as we were introduced. Jason is one half of an exceptionally engaging duo that call themselves The Carsons. His wife, Misty, makes up the other half. One of the great things about this home concert experience was the fact that I was able to spend some time getting to know the artists involved in a comfortable, intimate setting. The concert was hosted in the home of a friend, and the “crowd” for this show was all of eleven people. While your initial thought might be that isn’t much of a crowd, I can tell you that it was the perfect size for the venue. We were able to chat over appetizers before they began to play, and again afterwards as well. It isn’t often you get access to artists like that. What an opportunity to learn about them as people. It made their music that much more meaningful.

There’s something pure about a voice and an acoustic guitar. Bring in a little harmony and that purity turns into a religious experience.... ---->To Read The Full Story Click Here

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